Can CBD oil be consumed?


CBD oil is a vegetable oil obtained by extraction from the seeds, stems and leaves of hemp. It has a high content of vitamins and fatty acids. According to studies carried out on this essence, it brings several benefits to the body, in particular calming and analgesic effects. It is also muscle relaxant. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that CBD oil is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement.

Quality CBD oils , such as the oils from Weed Side Story, are 100% natural and from organic hemp farming. Products from major European brands such as Cibdol and MCT are among others available.

What are the differences between CBD and THC?

The purchase of CBD oil is legal in France provided that it is extracted from a variety of hemp containing a THC less than or equal to 0.2%. Both CBD and THC are active ingredients in Cannabis Sativa, also known as Marijuana. CBD or cannabidiol is a molecule known for its relaxing and soothing effects. It is not psychoactive and does not impact the state of consciousness, unlike THC. Repeated intake of CBD oil does not cause addiction. Some scientific studies have revealed that this molecule is perfectly suited to therapeutic applications. Moreover, around thirty countries already authorize the use of cannabis for medical purposes. As for THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, it is addictive and psychoactive.

What are the modes of oil consumption?

Some studies have found CBD to have the power to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. It also relieves chronic pain and promotes sleep. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, the active ingredient calms inflammation and skin irritation. To take advantage of its benefits, you can place a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue. A few drops of this essence can also be diluted in your dishes and pastries. However, do not cook them, as their benefits diminish at temperatures above 170°C. In addition, to relieve skin inflammation, cannabidiol oilcan be directly applied to the skin. In any case, it is important to read the instructions for use on the box before consuming the product. In addition, always respect the prescribed doses.

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