36 ViewsThe ADHD diagnosis process includes medical history evaluation, neuropsychological tests and laboratory tests, questionnaires and rating scales that evaluate ADHD symptoms, interviews, and screening for other disorders. Let me give you a breakdown of what you are likely to go through during an ADHD screening. 1. Initial Consultation and Medical History Review The diagnostic […]
Category: Health
4 Key Questions To Ask Your Second Opinion Orthopedic Doctor
126 ViewsOrthopedic treatments are a common phrase in most hospitals. They are common among trauma patients and are normally performed to fix misaligned joints, broken bones, and torn tendons. Dealing with such conditions can be challenging, and your doctor may recommend orthopedic surgery. However, this is a complex procedure, thus the need to get a […]
What is PICU, and How is it Different from NICU
191 ViewsNo parent ever wants their baby to visit intensive care, but sometimes, things don’t go as planned. In these moments, the best places for babies to receive the care they need are the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Though these units might seem the same, they serve […]
Detecting Down Syndrome, Edwards’ Syndrome, and Patau Syndrome
165 ViewsDetecting chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome, Edwards’ Syndrome, and Patau Syndrome is an important part of prenatal care. Early detection allows for better preparation and management of these conditions. Maternity hospitals in different cities offer a range of screening options to identify these syndromes, ensuring that parents receive the necessary support and guidance. […]
Living with Varicose Veins: Managing Symptoms and Improving Quality of Life
194 ViewsVaricose veins are these knotted, swollen veins that protrude from the legs and are much more than a beauty problem. If mishandled, they could cause discomfort, pain, and even other health complications. Learning how to treat the symptoms associated with varicose veins effectively is important. Understanding Varicose Veins Varicose veins are inflamed and twisted […]
Is It Possible for Children to Outgrow their Learning Disorders?
383 ViewsHas your child been diagnosed with a learning disorder? Disappointing, right? As a parent, it is okay to feel that way, and get worried about your child’s future, wondering whether they will grow and attain their goals like normal kids. You see, you have the right to be worried, considering that a learning disorder […]
Maximizing Your Sick Leave: Tips for Using Doctor’s Notes
668 ViewsSick leave now is one of the essential advantages in the workers’ world where they can have free days off when they are not feeling good without fearing about their job to get fired. Your employer can only grant you sick leave if you present them with a doctor’s note for work. On the […]
Understanding PTSD in Veterans: A Critical Overview
698 ViewsPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) remains one of the most pressing mental health issues among veterans returning from combat. Despite increased awareness, many misconceptions still exist about the nature and management of this complex disorder. PTSD can manifest through various symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, and severe anxiety, profoundly impacting a veteran’s daily life and […]
Understanding the Causes of Bulging Veins: A Comprehensive Guide
744 ViewsBulging vеins are visiblе bеnеath thе skin and can rеsult from various factors; gеnеtics, agе-rеlatеd wеar on vеins and obеsity contributе to thеir dеvеlopmеnt. Wеak vеin walls, compromisеd blood flow and hormonal changes play huge roles in causing this condition. Rеgular еxеrcisе and maintaining a hеalthy wеight arе crucial for prеvеntion and managеmеnt of this […]
Navigating The Maze: Understanding Health Insurance For Brain Lesions
933 ViewsIn the intricate realm of healthcare, understanding the nuances of health insurance becomes paramount, particularly concerning conditions like brain lesions. Health insurance is a crucial shield, providing financial support and accessibility to quality medical care. This article delves into the significance of health insurance in the context of brain lesions, unravelling health insurance benefits, […]