4 Imp Things You Need To Know About Spine Stenosis


Spinal stenosis is a health condition that occurs when there is little space within your backbone. This creates pressure on the nerves and the spinal cord, resulting in lower back and neck pain. It is mainly caused by herniated disks, tumors, and multiple spinal injuries. This health condition affects every five people out of 1,000 adults above 50 years of age.

Spine Stenosis

This article highlights the four most important things you need to know about Roswell spinal stenosis, which will help you detect the underlying condition faster. Let’s dive in!

4 Imp Things You Need To Know About Spine Stenosis

1. Spine Stenosis Is Generally Age-related.

Aging is one of the most crucial factors that result in spinal stenosis. It is commonly seen in adults above 50 as such a condition occurs due to continuous wear and tear, which comes with time. The spinal bones build a channel for all spinal cords. As time passes and people age, this channel becomes narrower, taking a toll on the spinal bones, which causes spine stenosis.

2. Spinal Stenosis Primarily Affects The Neck And Lower Back.

Spinal stenosis majorly affects the lower back and neck region. This occurs because your body is dependent on these two areas, and these experience maximum pressure and body weight, increasing the chances of degeneration. Common symptoms are numbness, tingling sensation in hands, feet, and legs, or lower back pain.

3. Spinal Stenosis Is Not Always Painful. 

According to studies, nearly 80% of people experience a certain percentage of narrowing within the spine. Since mild spinal stenosis symptoms are entirely normal, there is rarely any pain. Several studies show that people live with this condition without noticing any symptoms for more than 10 years.

4. Spinal Stenosis Can Only Be Managed But Not Cured.

Spinal stenosis is a popular chronic condition that people above 50 years of age experience. Since it is a chronic condition, it can only be managed through the right treatment plans, physical therapies, and strategies. Standard management solutions include anti-inflammatory medicines, steroid injections, or surgery in more complex conditions.

Wrapping Up!

Spinal stenosis develops within your spine, which typically leads to pinched nerves. This condition results due to various factors like Facet joint arthritis, bone spurs, herniated discs, and others. If you’re experiencing difficulty in walking, leg cramping, or pain in your neck or back, visit your trusted health expert soon!

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